A company’s secret weapon or biggest Achilles heel least often discussed is its Executive Team. A cohesive, aligned team can work together to plan and implement a strategy or it can subdivide into silos positioning for power and resources. Hear a cross-functional team discuss a real-world problem in this webinar recording.
Deborah Fell Area Managing Partner Chief Outsiders dsfell@chiefoutsiders.com |
Chris Tully President Sales Growth Advisors ctully@salesxceleration.com |
Susan Kearney Partner Newport Group susan.kearney@newportllc.com |
Kevin Scott Partner B2BCFO kevinscott@b2bcfo.com |
Rebecca Stewart District Manager Insperity rebecca.stewart@insperity.com |
Ed Mullin CIO | CTO Consultant Think emullin@thinkconsulting.com |
Great articles on marketing, growth, and how to take your company to the next level.