Apr 18, 2019 10:00:00 AM — For many middle market companies, the vision that founded the enterprise can’t take it to the next stage of growth. So we spoke to Chief Outsiders’ Dawn Werry about how a market-based reality check can set an enterprise up to grow in new, and sustainable ways. Founding a company takes an uncommon kind of vision, talent and drive. But often guiding the company to the next stage of growth requires a different skill set than the one that built the business from scratch. Private equity firms understand this, and often show up with the capital and resources to make a great small company into an even better, and bigger enterprise. Sometimes the founder can adapt for that next stage, and other times, they struggle. After all, the founder’s approach took them this far, why can’t it take the business even farther? The answer sometimes requires a reality check about the company’s current status and what it takes to grow from there. Few people expect marketing to provide a reality check, but the marketing discipline needs to accurately assess the actual competitive landscape.