
Tim Manning

Picture of Tim Manning
An international marketing executive with more than 25 years of diverse and measurable success, Tim differentiates companies and new technologies for optimum growth and maximum ROMI. With a broad knowledge of marketing strategy and tactics spanning retailtech, fintech, medtech, cybertech and other sectors, he builds programs and processes dedicated to driving measurable bottom-line results, on-time and on-budget. A specialist in positioning strategy and messaging, Tim engineers strategy with a customer focus to connect brands in a meaningful way and deliver a unified and compelling value proposition.
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CEOWorld Magazine: The Evolving Role of Midsize Company CEOs in AI Integration

CEOWorld Magazine: The Evolving Role of Midsize Company CEOs in AI Integration

7.18.2024 | Posted by Pete Hayes

As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to revolutionize various industries, the role of CEOs, especially in midsize companies, is undergoing a profound transformation. This essay delves into the evolving responsibilities of CEOs in the age of AI, highlighting the critical leadership skills required to harness AI’s potential effectively and responsibly. Read the full article here.

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