
Deborah Fell

Picture of Deborah Fell
Deborah Fell is Area Manager Partner & CMO for Chief Outsiders. She is an expert at helping mid-market to large enterprise companies identify and capitalize on marketing strategies to increase revenue and profitability. Chief Outsiders provides fractional CMOs without the expense of a full-time resource to CEOs who want to accelerate revenue and profits through improved marketing strategies, implementation and leverage.
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MarketingProfs: Where to Look for the Right KPIs for SaaS Marketing in Uncertain Economic Times

MarketingProfs: Where to Look for the Right KPIs for SaaS Marketing in Uncertain Economic Times

7.1.2024 | Posted by Anka Twum-Baah


Persistent uncertainty about the economy's near-future is bound to make the remainder of the year an unnerving time for any business—and none more so than the SaaS companies that often serve increasingly frugal businesses on a subscription basis. Not to mention the exponential increase in competition. Unfortunately, such caprice is the nature of market predictions and fluctuations, and the confusion is unlikely to settle anytime soon. How, then, are executives meant to market with foresight and avoid pouring time and resources into low-ROI tactics? The answer lies in selecting those marketing key performance indicators (KPIs) that assist in navigating uncertainty. Read the Article here.

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