“Chief Outsiders introduced me to very clever and specifically skilled experts. They matched me to extremely talented people who knew my industry and wanted to help on my team.”
Corine Prieto, President, Integrated Geophysics Corporation. Houston, Texas

For 35 years, Integrated Geophysics Corporation (IGC) has occupied a very specific niche in oil and gas exploration, performing structural analysis to determine the feasibility of oil drilling targets. Struggling with an industry crisis precipitated by the steep drop in oil prices, current clients were hesitant to start new projects, causing revenue to decline.
With many in the industry taking early retirement, IGC sought to boost revenues by appealing to a younger, more visually and digitally oriented generation moving into decision-making positions. “Our goal was to attract a new kind of customer, reacquaint ourselves with the old customers, and make sure that we were considered current,” stated Corine Prieto, President.
Previous work with marketing professionals failed to produce the desired results. “It never gelled and got going,” Prieto said. She attended marketing seminars, talked to people in the industry and met with several advertising agencies. “They weren’t giving me any new ideas, so I never felt that was the way I wanted to spend my money.”
Over a four-month period, Chief Outsiders spent two hours per week on-site to update and implement IGC’s marketing plans. Covering what was needed in their meetings, they would take assignments and bring back or email results the following week.
Prieto devoted the first meetings to getting acquainted, strategizing and writing a business plan. The Chief Outsiders duo quickly impressed Prieto with their roll-up-our-sleeves-and-get-to-work attitude.
“All of the sudden, not only do I have counsel from Chief Outsiders, but I have implementers,” exclaimed Prieto. “They literally became part of my staff, immediately starting to work on the things that I always knew we would like to do. They just took the bull by the horns and were off. That’s priceless to me.”
Chief Outsiders gave full attention to the project when on-site, making sure that they covered everything before making a decision. “When they arrive, I’ve got them 100% of the time,” stated Prieto. And it’s very comforting to know that I’ve got somebody with a checklist.”
Strategy and Tactics
Together, the IGC/Chief Outsiders team worked on changing the firm’s image from the traditional oil field services company to a leading-edge technology firm. They envisioned a new look for the website, industry-specific mobile apps, webinars adapted from existing training materials, and press releases to publicize IGC’s expertise and events.
Website Improvements
Chief Outsiders asked IGC to scale back dozens of publications they had posted on the website to be more abstract. They cautioned them that if you put too much technical information on the website, they don’t have to call you.
They also shifted the focus to appeal to the younger demographic and those who might be involved in the financing of a well. Adapting some existing material, they worked with a web designer to update the look.
New Mobile Apps
An analysis of the current website revealed that a glossary was the number one draw. Translating the asset to mobile platforms, Chief Outsiders helped IGC develop an iOS and Android glossary app for gravity and magnetics terminology. IGC is also working on an interactive app to calculate the magnetic field based on location.
Chief Outsiders recommended webinars as a media for training. IGC is finalizing the release of two webinars on basin evaluation for oil & gas exploration. They will be extremely valuable to industry workers who need to learn the material quickly, especially the international audience.
3X Website Traffic
With each press release that is published, IGC sees a spike in website visitors and expects to easily triple website traffic.
A release detailing a new field study generated 60,000 impressions and 2,900 reads, while the glossary announcement received 70,000 impressions and 3,300 reads.
Considering the small size of IGC’s niche, Chief Outsiders estimates that 10% of potential customers read the press release.
Perpetual Revenue and Exposure
With the first on-demand webinar just completed, IGC anticipates ongoing training revenue. Once you invest your time in training, it pays forever. The IGC Glossary app is live and available in the Apple and Google app stores with 200+ downloads and all five-star reviews.
A Great Match
As the benefits from their efforts accrue, Prieto has high praise for Chief Outsiders.
“They are idea people, pleasant, comfortable, savvy and very current in business strategy and operations.”