Regardless of your industry, your firm can likely identify with goals like:
Many of your marketing efforts are likely designed to achieve those goals or similar measurements of success. But there’s one approach that firms often overlook that can achieve all of these goals—and more. This approach is thought leadership marketing and the development of Visible Experts. These experts are the professionals who give keynote addresses at industry conferences, write the defining book in your field and have established themselves as the go-to authorities.
And while it might seem like they’re only reaping personal benefits, these thought leaders have the ability to generate more leads for their firms, boost firm reputation, establish market leadership and increase credibility. Visible Experts can help you close more business at higher rates to grow your firm and increase your revenue. This raises the question: why isn’t everyone doing it?
The answer could lie in the misconception that a Visible Expert is something that you are, rather than someone you become. We should know—we interviewed 130 of them and chronicled their rise to industry stardom. Our research also led us to survey more than 1,000 buyers of expert services to examine the value they place on expertise.
To put it mildly: we learned a lot. One of the biggest takeaways from our interviews was that, regardless of their varying backgrounds and industries, the majority of our Visible Experts seemed to follow a similar trajectory. Through that pattern we were able to develop a recommended path consisting of seven steps for aspiring industry stars.
7 Steps to Developing Visible Experts within Your Firm
While developing a Visible Expert isn’t likely to happen overnight, these seven steps make it an accessible opportunity for any firm willing to put in the effort. If our research is any indication, the benefits will be well worth it.
About the Author:
Sylvia Montgomery is a Senior Partner at Hinge, a marketing and branding firm for professional services. At Hinge, Sylvia provides strategic counsel to national clients. She is a co-author of The Visible Expert, Inside the Buyer’s Brain and Online Marketing for Professional Services. You can follow Sylvia on Twitter @BrandStrong.
Wed, Sep 17, 2014