Michael Morrison

Picture of Michael Morrison
As a strategic partner in the development of business strategy, branding, new products, client loyalty, and improved customer experience, Michael works at the enterprise and business unit level to build authentic, compelling brands and drive revenue growth. As a former company president with a history of P&L ownership, he brings a holistic approach to collaborating with sales, legal and compliance, and key stakeholders to deliver solutions that meet the needs of a diverse clientele and their unique audiences. In addition, Michael’s inside-out branding work has been recognized for its impact on employee engagement and operating performance.
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Hiring at the Right Level: Fractional or Full Time?

Hiring at the Right Level: Fractional or Full Time?

Wed, Jul 10, 2024 | Posted by Paul Sparrow

Finding the right leadership talent isn't just about filling a title; it's about matching skills and responsibilities to an enterprise's needs. The importance of strategic hiring decisions cannot be minimized. However, putting the right person in the correct position is critical, and sometimes, that may mean something other than a permanent, direct hire.

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