Mark Kirschner

Picture of Mark Kirschner
With a substantial background in AI, SaaS, e-commerce tech, marketing tech, and ad tech, Mark drives topline growth, scale, and product differentiation through integrated marketing programs, analytics, and holistic go-to-market strategies. A strategist with an entrepreneurial mindset, he transforms brands and businesses and is known for unlocking breakthroughs to growth. He has a particular specialty in making complex offerings compelling, launching new products and brands, strategically positioning products, creating awareness, influencing customer decision-making, improving ROI and customer experience, driving technology adoption, and facilitating sales enablement.
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Hiring at the Right Level: Fractional or Full Time?

Hiring at the Right Level: Fractional or Full Time?

Wed, Jul 10, 2024 | Posted by Paul Sparrow

Finding the right leadership talent isn't just about filling a title; it's about matching skills and responsibilities to an enterprise's needs. The importance of strategic hiring decisions cannot be minimized. However, putting the right person in the correct position is critical, and sometimes, that may mean something other than a permanent, direct hire.

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