Atul Minocha

Picture of Atul Minocha
Atul is a Chief Outsiders Partner and CMO. He helps growth and medium sized companies achieve their goals and aspirations with cost effective and efficient marketing programs. His experience with start-ups and established companies spans a wide variety of industries, including technology, SaaS, automotive, industrial machinery, healthcare, medical equipment and devices, hospitality, clean energy, financial services and hedge funds. He is currently the Professor of Practice at Hult International Business School and teaches at their San Francisco, Dubai and London campuses.
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Hiring at the Right Level: Fractional or Full Time?

Hiring at the Right Level: Fractional or Full Time?

Wed, Jul 10, 2024 | Posted by Paul Sparrow

Finding the right leadership talent isn't just about filling a title; it's about matching skills and responsibilities to an enterprise's needs. The importance of strategic hiring decisions cannot be minimized. However, putting the right person in the correct position is critical, and sometimes, that may mean something other than a permanent, direct hire.

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