A long-standing joke is “How do you eat an elephant? Answer: One bite at a time.”
I feel the same holds for AI, especially for those organizations and individuals that might feel a little overwhelmed by all of the talk (hype) about AI and that if you are not leveraging all of the latest and greatest AI technology you are already behind and you will never catch up. Your approach may need to be “one bite at a time.”
Here are some of the latest stats sourced from Content At Scale about AI Tools:
Sources: Content at Scale, Markets and Markets, Statista, Forbes, Statista, Juniper Research, PwC
Is the AI Market going to be large? Absolutely. Is AI going to be a significant game changer for many industries? Hell yes. Are you going to go out of business because you didn’t go all in on AI? Probably not. However, AI is going to be a critical technology that when leveraged correctly will have a significant impact on how you can scale your business for growth.
In a previous blog, I discussed how to leverage the Growth Gears framework to systematically understand your business, develop a strategy, and execute that strategy with excellence. I believe you can use a similar approach for how and when to leverage AI to improve productivity and to find opportunities to quickly scale your business.
Every business and organization is somewhat unique. What works for the company down the street may not work for your business. How ABC company is leveraging AI tools may not be the best approach for you, so let’s determine where the opportunities in your business exist and determine how AI can help you improve those areas of your business. This approach is similar to “eating the elephant one bite at a time”.
Start With Insights:
At our 2024 National Meeting, Chief Outsiders launched our AI Assessment for SMB and Mid-Market organizations. This assessment tool is intended to provide organizations with an understanding of where they are in their AI maturity and provide practical resources for moving organizations along the maturity curve.
Understanding your current position is crucial for knowing where you want to go. Successful organizations are skilled at looking at themselves honestly and understanding their current situation. Through this honest assessment comes the ability to develop a plan to mature/grow/scale.
Stage 1- Discover:
Stage 2- Emerge
Stage 3 - Formalize
Stage 4 - Advance
Stage 5 - Transform
Taking the assessment is easy. It will take about five minutes to complete. I would suggest having multiple people on your team (C-Suite, Departments, etc.) take the assessment to gauge both where you are and the consensus of where you are as an organization.
Here is a link to start the survey.
Upon completion, you can download your personalized results.
You have completed the assessment and know what AI maturity stage you are in. Now what? My suggestion is to “eat the elephant one bite at a time.”
Here are 7 steps to get started:
Many organizations will still feel overwhelmed and afraid their AI initiative will take their focus away from running their business.
The answer: Bring in an outside resource to help you get started. Chief Outsiders has the resources and expertise to help you assess, identify, develop and implement an AI strategy that is right for your organization.