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Navigating the AI-Enabled Selling Software Landscape

Written by Dan Lackner | Thu, Oct 3, 2024

There was a time not so long ago when the tools-of-the-trade for a salesperson were a Rolodex, a landline phone, and a pair of comfortable shoes.

Not anymore.

Rolodexes of relationships have been replaced by LinkedIn connections, landline phones by synchronized communication streams, and comfortable shoes by online meetings and note takers, all powered by artificial intelligence.

In today's rapidly evolving sales environment, navigating the landscape of AI-enabled selling can seem daunting. AI has infiltrated the B2B sales sector, promising enhanced efficiency and smarter strategies. But it's more than just automation; it's about augmenting the human elements of sales with insights and precision that were previously unattainable. This journey into the AI-enhanced selling arena is not just necessary, it's inevitable for those looking to stay competitive and innovative.

At Chief Outsiders, we define AI-enabled selling as “the integration of artificial intelligence technologies with traditional sales processes to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of sales teams. This integration allows businesses to automate routine tasks, unearth deeper customer insights, and deliver personalized customer experiences.”

We have a definition. Now we need a framework, a way of looking at the needs of a sales organization and then mapping the capabilities and software tools to determine what constitutes “enablement.”

A Framework for AI-Enabled Selling

G2 undertook a herculean survey of every AI tool in what it dubbed, “AI Sales Assistant Software.” To be considered, the software had to “support sales teams by automating basic tasks or providing predictive insights and utilize embedded artificial intelligence as a main feature.” 352 vendors (and counting) stepped forward. Of the 352, approximately 60 products had sufficient usage and strong enough reviews for consideration in building our framework.

To build the framework, we spent several weeks analyzing both current and past engagements, carefully categorizing the various applications of AI in use. Next, we conducted a classification process, aiming to match the ~60 AI tools from the G2 survey to the identified categories within the framework. After several iterations, we arrived at the five-function framework below.

Many of the AI products have cross-category applicability. That’s both expected and desirable. The larger players in the market have considerable resources to invest in AI, while the smaller niche players are expanding into adjacent categories to create a more seamless experience, and also for survival.

AI-Enabled Selling Framework

Lead Generation and Qualification

Traditionally, lead generation and qualification have been labor-intensive processes with a considerable expenditure of time and resources. AI transforms this landscape dramatically. By leveraging data-driven insights, AI tools can identify potential leads with higher accuracy and speed than traditional methods.

Tools in this category refine the process of identifying qualified leads by using predictive analytics to evaluate lead behavior and potential interest. Others use AI to prioritize leads based on their likelihood to convert, enabling sales teams to focus their efforts where they are most likely to bear fruit.

Automated Customer Interactions

According to the Salesforce “State of Sales” report, sales reps spend only 30% of their time selling during an average week. AI-enabled selling is not only about enhancing the sales reps' performance across all aspects of the sales process. It's also about automating tasks to free up their time, allowing them to focus more on selling. AI-driven communication tools ensure that your business’s initial customer interactions are both time-efficient and strategically sound.

Tools in this category include AI-driven chatbots that engage potential clients on company websites, answering basic questions and scheduling meetings, which increases engagement without additional personnel cost. They qualify leads directly within messaging interfaces, making interactions more straightforward and less intrusive. And they perform more mundane tasks, like summarizing meeting notes.

Sales Forecasting and Analytics

One of AI’s most impactful contributions to sales is its predictive prowess. Sales forecasting tools analyze trends and patterns to predict future sales results, helping managers make informed decisions about quotas, territories, and strategies. 

These tools apply AI to data in the CRM to deliver actionable insights into the sales pipeline, highlighting areas of risk and opportunity that are not easily visible to the human eye. Some go deeper, and not only predict outcomes but also provide insights into the underlying factors affecting these results.

Content and Email Automation

Content is king, but in sales, personalized content reigns supreme, certainly in the eyes of the buyer. AI enhances content creation and email outreach programs, personalizing interactions at scale, which can significantly increase conversion rates.

Some of these tools tailor email content based on a lead’s interaction history, industry, and role, delivering personalized content that resonates. Others apply AI to content creation, helping sales teams develop highly optimized content that drives engagement and nurtures leads through the sales funnel.

Deal Intelligence and Recommendations

Finally, in the crucible of deal-making, AI offers strategic insights that can be the difference between closing a deal and losing it. AI systems analyze ongoing negotiations and past deals to provide real-time recommendations to salespeople.

This class of tools provides scorecards that evaluate the health of each potential deal and suggest tailored actions to secure them. Several of the tools record and analyze sales calls to provide actionable feedback, helping sales reps enhance their techniques and strategies in real-time.

Where are we headed?

As we navigate the landscape of AI-enabled selling, one thing becomes clear: the future of sales lies not in displacing the salesperson but in empowering them with tools that enhance their intuition, speed, and efficacy.

For businesses, the choice isn’t whether to adopt AI, but how quickly they can integrate these intelligent tools into their systems to reap the myriad benefits. This integration, when done thoughtfully, can transform potential into performance, inquiries into engagement, and challenges into opportunities. In our upcoming post, we’ll discuss the payback on AI-enabled selling and strategies for getting started.


Chief Outsiders will help you on your journey. Click here to take a FREE “AI-Enabled Selling Assessment.” It only takes a few minutes. When it’s complete, we’ll deliver a comprehensive report on your accomplishments, opportunities for improvement, and practical recommendations to ensure your success.